Well it's been awhile:) I am sitting here as Lila naps and have had some posts going thru my head for a few weeks/months now. About blogging. About social media. About community. And shoot, about how much I love home decor and writing and the whole little community of creative people on the internet.
Let me start with why I've been hesitant to blog and why I second guess my instagrams and facebook statuses and I can't even log in to twitter. Comparison.
This is not a new thing. I've been a part of a lot of conversations with friends about how this is a fairly universal struggle. I don't want to make people struggle. I don't want them to think my marriage is perfect, my budget is endless and my life is adorable. It's not. My husband and I fight, I have been known to wash out my ziploc bags to save money and 98 percent of the time - my house is a mess. Blogging and instagram tend to put a perfectly photo shopped picture or pretty filter on the monotony of life.
HOWEVER. I still think MANY people are gifted in certain areas and social media is an amazing outlet to grow their gifts. In our church there is a saying that some of the pastors use - "You can REJECT something, you can RECEIVE something or you can REDEEM something"
Now with social media - I know many have chosen to reject it. They have deleted facebook -taken Pinterest off their phones, etc. I get it. I get the struggle and I think it's totally fine. For some people.
I also know people (including myself at times) who have received it as well. They post tons of "selfies", care way too much about how many likes they get and rather than live in a moment they see it thru the eyes of instagram and it seems like they live it - only so that other can see them doing so. It can seem kind of braggy. This tends to drive me crazy.
And then there are those that redeem it. They encourage people, they use their gifts the Lord has given them and use social media to help grow those gifts.
I think I've done all three of these things. I know sometimes I reject it, am totally guilty of receiving it and sometimes I hope that my presence on social media has a redemptive quality to it.
Anyways, I'd like to start writing more. Its complicated and messy this social media thing. You don't want to brag about anything but you also don't want your "realness" to come in the form of sinful complaining. I am sure I'll swing to both sides of the pendulum. I am sure I already do! However, there are so many bloggers out there who seem to do it "right" and I am really encouraged by them.
So heres my first attempt at more consistently writing:) Not sure where this blog will take me or who will read it - but just trying to get some things written down!
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yaaaaay! anxiously awaiting your next post!!!
So excited, you are truly gifted in writing! I was terrified of blogging for the very reasons you listed, but what I found is that my readers have given me a lot of grace, and that in turn has helped me to give myself grace. You are so gifted and passionate and I can't wait to read what's next!
Thank you ladies for reading!! It feels good to be back:)
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