Gracie's Thrift is in Tempe and it owned by Grace Community Church and School - which is where I spent both my early elementary days and my awkward junior high years (which, lets face it stayed with me way beyond junior high).
Gracie's is also right next to an AWESOME fabric store called SAS where I scored some super cool Amy Butler fabric and other fun things. So, this little stretch of Tempe is like the ghetto, craftier version of the Miracle Mile and I love it.
Design Mom
Anyways, lots of people from Grace church and school donate to Gracie's so there is always an abundance of school related thrifttyness...aka HEAVEN. And there is never a shortage of old school Christian items either. And I am not just talking about the Micheal W. Smith concert T shirt from 1994. I am talking legit Christian-y vintage items like hymals and Bibles. And I DO love me an old hymnal. So beautiful.
Apartment Therapy
Design Sponge
Anyways, this trip to Gracie's did not disappoint. I found some old flashcards and on the box was the name "McFadden" which was the name of my third grade teacher!! Is it possible that these very flash cards helped me become the mathematical genius I am today? Maybe!
Anyways, I do love any school house inspired decor. Globes, lockers, yardsticks, chalkboards, maps, old desks, library card catalogs - love it all. And I think flash cards would be s uper cute framed in a baby's room or maybe sewed onto some bunting and put in a home school room or even used for a baby shower.
Flash card possibilities are endless!! Who knew?
So, if you see any flash cards at a garage sale or Goodwill - snatch them up and get creative!
And until then, enjoy these lovely flash card inspiration pictures.

love it! never knew about Gracie's...gonna have to hit it up! :)
i love simple. i love memories. i love giving new life to what once was. but most of all, i love the hunt. looks like i need to make a date with Gracie's. thanks for sharing.
Love gracies cottage it still called that? Lol I havent been there for years. Growing up I was always there volunteering
Love your new blog! You're such a talented gal!! Glad I had a part in that cute new name!
I've been saving some really cute flashcards that my great aunt used in her school house. But I have no idea what to do with them! Thanks for the ideas
I'm loving your flashcard inspirtation. So cute!
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