Hymns and fears and other fun things

Friday, September 16, 2011

When I was a little girl I remember one day setting up a store under the kitchen table. I brought out all my toys and I hoped people would by them. Not the best location for a store, but I didn't care that my store was lame - it was fun to sit under the kitchen table and pretend.

Lets fast forward 22 years. I am selling stuff again and I have no idea if it will sell and I am trying not to let fear or comparison creep in.

I never grew up saying I was born to do anything. Some people are teachers, some are nurses (shout out to my mom and sis!) some, like my sweet husband, are ridiculously handsome light bulb purchasers. Maybe God gave me this struggle for a reason. That I wouldn't find my identity in my job but in who He made me to be. Maybe He wanted me to see I can glorify Him doing whatever I do.

And this new little hobby isn't really new at all. Even my first night at college I remember staying up late, and covering my room with gingham fabric, raffia accents and yes, sunflowers. Hey, it was 2001 people - sunflowers were cool.

I bought an old hymnal for the shop - I love old hymns. And I justlove this one in particular...

I feel like this song is such a good reminder for me as I start something new...

Take my life and let it be
consecrated, Lord, to Thee.Take my moments and my days,let them flow in ceaseless praise.Take my hands and let them move at the impulse of Thy love.Take my feet and let them beswift and beautiful for Thee.
Take my voice and let me sing
always, only for my King.Take my lips and let them be filled with messages from Thee.Take my silver and my gold not a mite would I withhold.Take my intellect and use every power as You choose.

Tomorrow is a big day for me. I will be doing my first boutique! I am trying to have the mentality of "I had so much fun getting ready for this" and not " what will people think of me and what I am selling - will they think my stuff is lame? Overpriced? Tacky?"

Anyways - just a little transparency on a Friday morning:)

Here is a preview of some Linny Jane Vintage wares.

and finally - need to get a tattoo of this...

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