You know when you look at pictures of yourself from junior high and you're like what was I thinking wearing those skorts (yes, skorts) paired with a winnie the pooh shirt? Yes, I wore winnie the pooh in junior high. It was sad.
Or maybe you had a pair of cutoff shorts that you wore with a giant tee shirt of Michel W. Smith and on the back it said "Friends are friends forever." Maybe.
Anyways - it is the same thing with my living room. We moved in and I made some poor furniture decisions. Here's a little peek at what we were dealing with.

Now, hey certainly there is much worse out there. And I am super grateful for a house and furniture to put in it....but this was just not my style. I felt like these couches were a little bachelor pad - and in fact, we did sell them on craigslist to a bachelor...big surprise. The couch came with a chair that took up so much room in our little house and it only fit one medium sized booty. If you had a particularly small booty maybe it could fit two of you. But, that was not happenin in this house. If something is going to take up half my living room I feel like it should fit more than one person.
So here's where we are at today.
Much more seating and a little more color - which I love. I am in the process of recovering that coffee table/trunk...but for now - it's a bit unfinished. I am ok with that. Welcome to 90 percent of my house - unfinished projects.
Here is my blue velvet wingback I literally secured with packing tape in my trunk to get her home from Goodwill. And the vacuumed cat hair off of it for the next hour. Gross, I know - but I really do love blue velvet chairs, and the nailhead trim with tufting??? I die. I am actually blogging from this very chair right now. I love it.

Here is our new dining room table, I got it a garage sale and it was already painted and distressed - score. Plus it has a leaf, two more chairs and awesome claw feet you can't see from this picture. Sad. Don't judge our dinky light fixture hung way to high and dirty carpet. Man, I am an insecure blogger.

So yeah - just a little tour of what I've been working on lately. There has been more - like some dramatic fabric goodness hung on the walls but I couldn't get a good picture of is a sneak peek of what is going on on the other side of the room....
Those are vintage curtains found in an abandoned house in Nebraska. True story. I nearly left my clothing in Nebraska so I could fit these home in my luggage.
So - just a few fun little things going on in our living room. It's far from perfect - but I think that's part of the fun:)