
Monday, September 26, 2011

So, I got a POOF. I know I totally am jumping on the poof bandwagon but I am very excited about my poof and all its poofyness. Need a place to sit? Pull up a poof. Need to reach a tall shelf? The poof is there to help. Plus poof is just fun to say...and apparently type.

Anyways, this was a Home Goods score - because Josh got me a giftcard there for my birthday. I didn't know any other time I would be able to justify such a poofy splurge. So I went for it. I am crazy like that.

In other way less trendy news, I got a horse head. Now this WAS a Goodwill find. It was brown originally and just weird. And I like weird things. I just spray painted him yellow and put him in my living room. I have dreams of putting him in the bed to scare Josh when he wakes up and having a very Godfather moment...someday. I am sure horse heads aren't for everyone but I thought it was very Jonathan Adler - and his horse head was like $295 and mine was $6. Booyah!

Don't you just want to feed him an apple?

So that's all for now:) Just a few fun finds that we have added lately:)

Vintage Market: Recap

Saturday, September 17, 2011

So yesterday was the Vintage Market which was my first big adventure as my alter ego, Linny Jane.

What. A. Day.

Actually what a crazy two weeks. I kind of spontaneously decided to do the Vintage Market. I didn't have much to lose and there's no time like the present to try your hand at something you have been thinking about for a long time.

So I got to crafting and piled up all my vintage wares and printed out tags and put together a display and loaded up my ghetto fab little honda filled to the brim with goodness.

When I arrived at the event - it was awesome! I seriously love seeing how creative people are and it's always fun meeting people who love weird, junky stuff as much as you do.

Plus so many friends and family stopped by my booth - what an encouragement!

My mom and dad even came and took pictures of me in front of my booth like it was the first day of school. Except I am 28.

Some of the items I thought would sell, didn't sell - which I felt was God's sovereign way of saying "See, I told you that would look great in your living room."

Anyways, here is a bit of a recap in photos. Much love to the Junk in the Trunk Trio for putting everything together and also being so dang sweet. They didn't even yell at me when my easy up took up half the yard.

Here is my booth - which was so fun to put together. I seriously wish I could put up store displays for a living. Well cool store displays. Not like dog food or anything. Although I guess store display people have to start somewhere.

Rosette necklaces.

Old luggage anyone?

Mr. Peacock even came and helped out. What a trooper.

I met Liz from the Blue Eyed Owl and absolutely LOVED her stuff. She has such a fun style and she even had some school related items. A girl after my own heart!

And yes she had roll out MAPS. I am thinking one of these would be soo fun in my kitchen. Suddenly regretting not buying one.

And I adored her vintage sheet display. Love the muted colors. Seriously dreamy. And they're sheets...get it? Dreamy? I am a nerd.

Next I met Bonnie from Bonnie Inc. She had a whole anthropologie look going on with her items - way cool.

Check out this thing. Is it a hidden bar? A buffet? I don't even know but I like it.

This chair. OMG. Pretty sure it would have come home with me if I could fit it. Once again, my small car has saved me from a major impulse buy.

Then we had the Orange Blossom Shop. These signs were just so cute. And the girls who ran it had the most adorable orange aprons which made me like them even more. I love a good apron!

Um, can I have this?

This dresser. I die. This is from the talented lady at In de stress mode.

I don't think my stenciling talents will ever be this good.

And here is the lovely Ashley and her friend Stesha. Ashley is from the Shine Project and sells the funnest vintage clothing you ever did see!

So, those were just a few pics of the day:) The next event will be in November...so if you like things like this....

Or this....

You should definitely check it out!

Hymns and fears and other fun things

Friday, September 16, 2011

When I was a little girl I remember one day setting up a store under the kitchen table. I brought out all my toys and I hoped people would by them. Not the best location for a store, but I didn't care that my store was lame - it was fun to sit under the kitchen table and pretend.

Lets fast forward 22 years. I am selling stuff again and I have no idea if it will sell and I am trying not to let fear or comparison creep in.

I never grew up saying I was born to do anything. Some people are teachers, some are nurses (shout out to my mom and sis!) some, like my sweet husband, are ridiculously handsome light bulb purchasers. Maybe God gave me this struggle for a reason. That I wouldn't find my identity in my job but in who He made me to be. Maybe He wanted me to see I can glorify Him doing whatever I do.

And this new little hobby isn't really new at all. Even my first night at college I remember staying up late, and covering my room with gingham fabric, raffia accents and yes, sunflowers. Hey, it was 2001 people - sunflowers were cool.

I bought an old hymnal for the shop - I love old hymns. And I justlove this one in particular...

I feel like this song is such a good reminder for me as I start something new...

Take my life and let it be
consecrated, Lord, to Thee.Take my moments and my days,let them flow in ceaseless praise.Take my hands and let them move at the impulse of Thy love.Take my feet and let them beswift and beautiful for Thee.
Take my voice and let me sing
always, only for my King.Take my lips and let them be filled with messages from Thee.Take my silver and my gold not a mite would I withhold.Take my intellect and use every power as You choose.

Tomorrow is a big day for me. I will be doing my first boutique! I am trying to have the mentality of "I had so much fun getting ready for this" and not " what will people think of me and what I am selling - will they think my stuff is lame? Overpriced? Tacky?"

Anyways - just a little transparency on a Friday morning:)

Here is a preview of some Linny Jane Vintage wares.

and finally - need to get a tattoo of this...

Amazing Gracie's: Ode to a thrift store.

Monday, September 12, 2011

This weekend I hit up one of my fave thrift stores - no, not goodwill but Gracie's!

Gracie's Thrift is in Tempe and it owned by Grace Community Church and School - which is where I spent both my early elementary days and my awkward junior high years (which, lets face it stayed with me way beyond junior high).

Gracie's is also right next to an AWESOME fabric store called SAS where I scored some super cool Amy Butler fabric and other fun things. So, this little stretch of Tempe is like the ghetto, craftier version of the Miracle Mile and I love it.

Anyways, lots of people from Grace church and school donate to Gracie's so there is always an abundance of school related thrifttyness...aka HEAVEN. And there is never a shortage of old school Christian items either. And I am not just talking about the Micheal W. Smith concert T shirt from 1994. I am talking legit Christian-y vintage items like hymals and Bibles. And I DO love me an old hymnal. So beautiful.

Anyways, this trip to Gracie's did not disappoint. I found some old flashcards and on the box was the name "McFadden" which was the name of my third grade teacher!! Is it possible that these very flash cards helped me become the mathematical genius I am today? Maybe!

Anyways, I do love any school house inspired decor. Globes, lockers, yardsticks, chalkboards, maps, old desks, library card catalogs - love it all. And I think flash cards would be s uper cute framed in a baby's room or maybe sewed onto some bunting and put in a home school room or even used for a baby shower.

Flash card possibilities are endless!! Who knew?

So, if you see any flash cards at a garage sale or Goodwill - snatch them up and get creative!

And until then, enjoy these lovely flash card inspiration pictures.

Apartment Therapy
Design Sponge

Design Mom

Apartment Therapy

Starting out!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Seriously love that quote. I think I might be represented by the large black woman:)

I know it's supposed to inspire one for weight loss but it really inspired me to get my butt in gear and get this whole Linny Jane concept off the ground.

You see...I am kind of pokey. Like sloooow. I get distracted by shiny things. But I've been thinking about this for awhile now. And have had awesome peeps in my life encouraging me to move forward.

"Love Jesus and do what you want babe" - wise words from my husband. And I do love Jesus. And I think he likes vintage things too. Or at least likes that I like them. Actually he is probably glad to see me spending less time on Pinterest and more time DOING WORK.

Anyways, greatness takes time people and you don't have to know 100 percent what you are doing before you get started right? Please say I am right.

So yeah, I don't really know what I am doing.

Except I can tell you I am buying lots of awesome things and watching a LOT of American Pickers as I hot glue. And seriously what is not to love about that?!

I am also pretending i am a designer for Anthropologie as I get ready for my first ever booth at Junk in the Trunk's Vintage Market next weekend! Seriously cannot wait!

Nothing like signing up for that to motivate a girl to stop dreaming and get to work:)

Here's a little more inspiration for those who struggle with motivation...

So yeah, feeling inspired and super excited to be doing this. I am gonna like go run a marathon now. And not a literal marathon. A figurative one involving my hot glue gun.


Thursday, September 8, 2011